Advancement Headlines

Cub Scout Program – new program information

Attention Cub Scout leaders and parents.

Effective June 1, 2024, BSA National implemented significant changes to the Cub Scout program.  The most current information can be obtained by going to the Cub Scout page on this site {link}

Updated Merit Badge Requirements

Attention Scouts and merit badge counselors.

At the start of every year, BSA National publishes updates to the requirements for selected merit badges.  The update of the requirements for a merit badge will include one or more of the following types of changes: 1) modification of a previously established requirement, 2) addition of a new requirement, 3) deletion of a previously established requirement, and/or 4) reordering of previously established requirements.

In 2024, BSA National has updated the requirements for the following thirty (30) merit badges, including five (5) merit badges that count towards the requirements for the Eagle rank [highlighted].  The updated requirements go into effect on 1/1/2024.

Automotive Maintenance               Insect Study

Backpacking                                      Journalism

Bird Study                                           Law

Camping                                             Mining in Society

Canoeing                                              Nuclear Science

Chemistry                                            Photography

Coin Collecting                                   Plant Science

Cooking                                              Programming

Digital Technology                            Radio

Engineering                                        Safety

Fire Safety                                           Scouting Heritage

First Aid                                             Skating

Fly Fishing                                          Surveying

Golf                                                       Sustainability

Indian Lore                                         Swimming

Any Scout starting any of these thirty merit badges in 2024 must meet the new requirements.  Anyone can find the most current requirements for every merit badge, including the merit badges with updated requirements, on this site and on the page “The Merit Badge Program”, then finding the “Requirements” section and clicking on the link.

The specific requirements that have been changed are identified on the page: “All Merit Badges A–Z”.

Any Scout that started any of these thirty merit badges prior to 1/1/2024 may complete the merit badge utilizing the requirements previously in effect which are available as the “Previous” requirements on the website.

Updated Scouts, BSA rank Requirements

Attention Scouts and unit leaders.

In 2024, BSA National has made a minor change to one requirement for the rank of Scout (# 6) and Star (# 6).  The requirement to earn the Cyber Chip has been removed from the requirement for those ranks.  Scouts should use the Personal Safety Awareness training at for both Scout and Star ranks..  The updated requirements go into effect on 1/1/2024.

Updated requirements for Eagle Palms

Attention Scouts and unit leaders.

In 2024, BSA National has eliminated the time requirement of three months for earning Eagle palms.  A scout may now be awarded an Eagle palm as soon as they have earned five additional merit badges and meet the other two requirements.  The updated requirements go into effect on 1/1/2024.

Required training for merit badge counselors

Attention merit badge counselors.

The council has changed the required training policy to require all individuals to complete the position specific training for merit badge counselors prescribed by National BSA to serve as a merit badge counselor in the council, with a phased implementation plan.

The policy:  All individuals are required to complete the position-specific training for merit badge counselors prescribed by National BSA to serve as a merit badge counselor in the council.  The training is available on-line or scheduled classroom training.

The implementation plan for this change in the required training policy for Merit Badge Counselor training is as follows:

Effective November 1, 2023, all individuals applying for the first time to serve as a merit badge counselor must meet the training requirement as a prerequisite for approval as a counselor.

Effective June 1, 2024, all individuals currently approved to serve as a merit badge counselor must meet the training requirement as a prerequisite for renewal as a counselor.  Thus, currently approved counselors that have not completed the training should do so before the end of May 2024.

Registration fee for merit badge counselors

Attention merit badge counselors.

BSA National has implemented an annual registration fee of $25 for merit badge counselors.  However, the payment of this fee is only applicable for adults registered with BSA only as a MB counselor; it is not applicable if the adult is also registered for another adult leader position.  The implementation of the fee is as follows:

Effective now, first time applicants to serve as a merit badge counselor must pay the fee to be registered as a MB counselor.

Effective June 1, 2024, any adult currently approved to serve as a merit badge counselor and is not also registered for another adult leader position must pay the fee to re-register.

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

Attention Scouts and unit leaders.

BSA National has published a new version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, dated February 2023.  Eagle Scout candidates must use the most current version of the workbook published by BSA National at the time they begin development of their proposal.  Thus, all Scouts must use this version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, dated February 2023, if they are starting to prepare the project proposal after February 2023.

Merit Badge – Citizenship in Society

The goal of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to help educate Scouts on what diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are; why they are important; and how to lead ethically and inclusively to contribute to the cultivation of an environment of belonging for all Scouts.  This merit badge is one of the educational and awareness initiatives the BSA is implementing to ensure every youth feels welcomed and wholly included, to achieve a sense of belonging with the Scouts, and to prepare them for success in our ever-evolving world.

This merit badge is unique in that it will involve a different experience for the Scout to earn it.  The merit badge has no pamphlet that provides the answers or information to meet each requirement.  Instead, it will require a Scout to do their own research and to dig as deeply and as detailed as the Scout desires.  Scouts should plan for multiple sessions over an extended period of time to complete this merit badge.

Anyone can find the most current requirements for this merit badge on this site and on the page “The Merit Badge Program”, then finding the “Requirements” section and clicking on the link.

The Citizenship in Society merit badge became a required merit badge to earn the rank of Eagle starting on July 1, 2022.  The total minimum number of merit badges to earn the rank of Eagle remains as 21.

The Citizenship in Society merit badge is a required merit badge for every Scout that completes one or more of the requirements for the rank of Eagle on July 1, 2022 and thereafter.

Eagle Project and Application Guide.  The Council Advancement Committee has created a guide to provide information to assist Scouts and adult leaders in the Susquehanna Council to properly complete an Eagle Scout service project and submit a complete packet for application for the rank of Eagle Scout.  The information is organized into six phases, with key points, steps, and notes provided for each phase.  It is intended to answer many frequently asked questions and preclude common mistakes.  It is available on the council’s advancement page: “Information and Resources for Life to Eagle Advancement” {click here}.

Scoutbook, the BSA’s online tool for managing and tracking Scouting advancement, is now completely, totally, 100 percent free.

For more information click on this link.

The link for Scoutbook is here.