Updated Merit Badge Requirements in 2025.
Attention Scouts and merit badge counselors.
At the start of every year, BSA National publishes updates to the requirements for selected merit badges. The update of the requirements for a merit badge will include one or more of the following types of changes: 1) modification of a previously established requirement, 2) addition of a new requirement, 3) deletion of a previously established requirement, and/or 4) reordering of previously established requirements.
In 2025, BSA National has updated the requirements for the following forty-one (41) merit badges, including seven (7) merit badges that count towards the requirements for the Eagle rank [highlighted]. The updated requirements go into effect on 1/1/2025.
Animal Science Fire Safety
Archery First Aid
Astronomy Fish and Wildlife Management
Aviation Fishing
Chemistry Gardening
Citizenship in the Community Insect Study
Climbing Landscape Architecture
Cooking Law
Crime Prevention Metalwork
Cycling Motorboating
Dentistry Nature
Digital Technology Plumbing
Dog Care Pottery
Drafting Programming
Electricity Reptile and Amphibian Study
Electronics Rifle Shooting
Emergency Preparedness Shotgun Shooting
Energy Skating
Environmental Science Snow Sports
Family Life Sports
Any Scout starting any of these forty-one merit badges in 2025 must meet the new requirements. Anyone can find the most current requirements for every merit badge, including the merit badges with updated requirements, on this site and on the page “The Merit Badge Program”, then finding the “Requirements” section and clicking on the link.
The specific requirements that have been changed are identified on the page “All Merit Badges A–Z”.
Any Scout that started any of these forty-one merit badges prior to 1/1/2025 may complete the merit badge utilizing the requirements previously in effect which are available as the “Previous” requirements on the website.
Guide to Advancement – new version in 2025.
BSA has published a new version of the Guide to Advancement. The 2025 version updates the previous version, published in 2019. Section provides a summary of the significant changes in this version. The new Guide to Advancement is available to view on the council’s advancement page: “Advancement Resources” {click here} If you want to download the new guide, click here
Merit Badge College 2025.
The Merit Badge College (MBC) in 2025 is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 2025. The event at Pennsylvania College of Technology offers an opportunity to earn up to three merit badge offerings. The list of merit badge offerings has been finalized, with 20 merit badge offerings. Most of the merit badge offerings are related to a STEM area of interest.
Registration for the event is OPEN.
The registration will close on February 3, 2025.
Be Prepared requirements. Scouts are encouraged to start now to work on the Be Prepared requirements, so they are ready on the day of the event! Please go to and carefully read the information on Be Prepared requirements.
This MBC will utilize the requirements for each merit badge in effect in 2024. The following merit badges have changes effective in 2025, so utilize the “Previous” version of requirements available online: Chemistry, Dentistry, Digital Technology, Drafting, Electricity, Electronics, Fingerprinting, First Aid, Landscape Architecture, Metalwork, Plumbing, and Programming.
Guide to Safe Scouting
BSA National has published updates to the Guide to Safe Scouting that are only available on line.
The most recent updates were published in August 2024. The latest updates are to:
Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse
Prohibited activities
The chart on “Age appropriate guidelines for Scouting Activities”
The most current information for the Guide to Safe Scouting can be obtained by going to this link.
Cub Scout Program – new program information.
Attention Cub Scout leaders and parents.
The new Cub Scout program is up and running!
Please remember to check all adventure requirements at each den level, as many requirements have changed with the new program. For example, each den now earns the Bobcat adventure every year, and the requirements vary depending on den level. Once your Cub Scouts have earned adventures, take the time to enter their hard work into Scout Book (even partial adventures).
Remember that adventures should be awarded frequently to keep Cub Scouts motivated to continue to work toward additional adventures.
The most current information on the program can be obtained by going to the Cub Scout page on this site {link}.
This is the BSA’s official website with the archive information on the program updates {link}.
Requirements prior to meeting with a merit badge counselor.
Attention Scouts and unit leaders.
In order to address concerns expressed by a number of unit leaders, the Council Advancement Committee has developed and approved a policy that requires Scouts to meet with a unit leader before contacting a MB counselor to begin the completion of requirements or registering for an on-line MB opportunity. The policy formalizes a longstanding expectation in the Guide to Advancement that each Scout first meet with the unit leader before pursuing completion of a merit badge. The purpose for establishment of the requirement is twofold:
- To verify for each MB if the counselor is registered in Scouts BSA and is approved as a counselor for that MB (by any council).
- Provide an opportunity for the unit leader to review with the Scout whether the offering provides an acceptable opportunity to learn and complete the requirements as written for the MB, if the Scout is considering an on-line offering.
The complete version of the policy, including procedures to follow and some additional guidance, can be obtained by going to the “Advancement Resources” page on the council’s website {link}. The policy is in Section 3.4.
Required training for merit badge counselors.
Attention merit badge counselors.
The council has changed the required training policy to require all individuals to complete the position specific training for merit badge counselors prescribed by National BSA to serve as a merit badge counselor in the council, with a phased implementation plan.
The policy: All individuals are required to complete the position-specific training for merit badge counselors prescribed by National BSA to serve as a merit badge counselor in the council. The training is available on-line or scheduled classroom training.
The implementation plan for this change in the required training policy for Merit Badge Counselor training is as follows:
Effective November 1, 2023, all individuals applying for the first time to serve as a merit badge counselor must meet the training requirement as a prerequisite for approval as a counselor.
Effective June 1, 2024, all individuals currently approved to serve as a merit badge counselor must meet the training requirement as a prerequisite for renewal as a counselor. Thus, currently approved counselors that have not completed the training should do so before the end of May 2024.
Registration fee for merit badge counselors.
Attention merit badge counselors.
BSA National has implemented an annual registration fee of $25 for merit badge counselors. However, the payment of this fee is only applicable for adults registered with BSA only as a MB counselor; it is not applicable if the adult is also registered for another adult leader position. The implementation of the fee is as follows:
Effective now, first time applicants to serve as a merit badge counselor must pay the fee to be registered as a MB counselor.
Effective June 1, 2024, any adult currently approved to serve as a merit badge counselor and is not also registered for another adult leader position must pay the fee to re-register.
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.
Attention Scouts and unit leaders.
BSA National has published a new version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, dated February 2023. Eagle Scout candidates must use the most current version of the workbook published by BSA National at the time they begin development of their proposal. Thus, all Scouts must use this version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, dated February 2023, if they are starting to prepare the project proposal after February 2023.