James E West

The James E. West Fellowship Award

James West Fellowship Knot

This award is named for James E. West, the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. For more than three decades, West, who was affectionately called “The Chief Scout”, guided and directed the Boy Scouts of America. This national recognition was named in his honor in 1993, and is available to any member of the Boy Scouts of America as well as non-scouters.

The James E. West Fellowship award is a national recognition for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to a council endowment fund. The gift must be in addition to and not replace or diminish the donor’s annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts on behalf of someone else, such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver recipient, a council president, the retirement of a beloved Scouter, a special accomplishment, anniversary or in memory of a special individual.

By their contributions, those recognized by the James E. West Fellowship Award help to ensure the Scouting legacy for future generations of young people help to create the financial stability of the the program in the 21st Century.

If you are interested in recognizing someone with the James E. West Fellowship Award, please contact the Susquehanna Council Scout Executive Dennis Dugan at (570) 326-5121 ext. 103, or email him at Dennis.Dugan@scouting.org .