A Message from the Scout Executive

A Message from the Scout Executive

To the Volunteers of Susquehanna Council:
The Susquehanna Council has been informed that as the National Council Leadership is evaluating the growing cost of delivering the Scouting program, a vision team of volunteers and staff from across the country is considering the best way forward that will likely require them to implement a national membership fee increase for youth members and adult leaders as of January 1, 2020. This prospective change is being driven by the significant cost increase of the liability insurance the organization must carry to cover all official Scouting activities.

We do not know the amount of the increase at this time. This is set to be determined during the October meeting of the National Executive Board.  This is not a local decision and we do not have any direct input into the decision making process.

We recognize the timing of this notification creates challenges and frustrations as units have already begun planning for their 2020 registration renewal process. While we share your feelings about the timing of this notification, we are confident that the National Council is doing its best to ensure that the BSA can continue carrying out its mission to serve youth.

The staff and volunteers of Susquehanna Council are committed to supporting you through this process and would like you to know the following:

  • We will not be collecting any registration fees until after November 1st to ensure accuracy and so that we are not handling more than one transaction with a unit.
  • You will still have access to the online chartering system on October 1st, so you will be able to work on your roster.
  • This change does not affect the fees for new youth being registered in 2019.

We recognize this is neither easy information to hear, nor to convey, but it is important that we are transparent as possible, and we promise to share any information as soon as we know it so you can prepare your units appropriately. The national organization has committed to providing the new registration fee no later than October 23.
Thank you for your continued efforts that support the youth of our communities.

Yours in Scouting,
Dennis Dugan
Scout Executive/CEO